vince wrote:

>  accept the
> >Bible as absolute truth,
> >
> Oh, Randy, when did I say otherwise?
> I don't even accept the Bible as "absolute truth" myself.
> The confession of faith of the Lutheran confessions, which I follow, is
> that the Scriptures are the norm for the faith and the life of the Church.
> When I post using Scriptural citations, it is to explain the point of
> view of those of us who view the Scriptures as having authority for us.
> Have I ever once attempted to "convert" anyone, or imply that Scriptural
> teachings apply to those who lie outside of the community of faith?  I
> think not.  Rather, I have spoken in solidarity with those outside the
> community when they have been assailed by religious zealots and those
> who would imply judgment on those outside the Judeo-Christian faith.  I
> will also speak for those within a faith community who are assailed, key
> word, assailed,  by those who reject faith as valid.   I think I have a
> long record of standing with those who are outside the faith community
> since I have  a lot more in common with them than with the religious
> zealots.
> In other words I am on your side and only post on what Scriptures say so
> that you all might understand our mindset just as others explain what is
> the motivation for their opinions.  The day I try to say that anything
> of faith is authoritative on those outside the community, please shoot me.
> Vince

I wouldn't dream of it and we are certainly on the same side, and
everything you said above is true. Thanks for clarifying your view-
point and I apologize for anything I might have assumed regarding

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