
I think you do know what my post refers to noted by the speed of your reply.  You take 
issue with
my belief that being for the war coincides with being conservative, okay that's a good 
Granted the far far fanatical right (Pat Buchanan & Bay Banshee Buchanan) are against 
it, for
other reasons.  But the mainstream of those in support are from the mainstream right, 
from what I
see.  I know some pretty apolitical and fairly centered political people who are very 
against this
war.  AND that's in my business, which is the futures and options industry.  Yes, gold 
rallies a bit at the thought of war, but the economy does not flourish at the thought 
of war like
it did many years ago.  

I didn't think you were "that" conservative till more recently and that's your 
personal choice
anyway.  You don't owe me any explanation, as to your ideology .  But it was the 
that I observed this week.  Because they were my words I noticed.  I was choosing to 
let it go but
you gals just kept a going!  And yet took my exact side on the journalism issue.  

I like having the distinctions of ideolgies, I like to know where my enemy is coming 
from.  They
exist, and I will use them for my own caution.  I believe it's a game to cause 
confusion started
by the Regan administration, (color blind)  remember that one?  Until there is honesty 
integrity and openness in governtment, I like have them marked.  Imagine, you may say 
I'm a
dreamer, but I'm not the only one.  See Sarah even you are  - and the last time I 
brought this up
I ended with "What's so funny bout peace, love and understanding - and that was 
belittled as well.

I was somewhat surprised to have you involved in the fun and games this week.  I hope 
I can look
beyond this and read your posts with the same interest I used to but it may take some 
time to get
there again.

No I wasn't comletely joking about the right and their lack of feelings - a 
generalization yes, I
am not a perfect human being like one or two others here, not speaking to you now 
Sarah.  But
that's the best I can do right now and until then the burden of proof lies with them 
or the right.

Take care Sarah, and I hope we can talk again in the future.  BUt I really don't want 
to beat this
thing to death nor start our own war.  I tried to abstain, but when Lori went to bat, 
I felt a
responsibility not to have her hung out to dry.

Thanks ...


NP: Shawn Colvin/Mary Chapin Carpenter/One Cool Remove  

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Susan, I'm not sure what your post refers to, but I'd like to take 
> issue with one thing.  You seem to be equating being in favour of 
> this war against Saddam with "conservatism".  I'm in favour of the 
> war (so long as there's an intention to fight it with minimal loss of 
> life, and so long as there's a commitment to helping to build a 
> post-Saddam Iraq).  But I'm not a conservative, at least not in most 
> of the areas I can think of.
> Just wanted to point that out.  This was part of what I meant when I 
> wrote a couple of weeks ago that I hoped the old left versus right 
> labels would soon die out, because there are a lot of people and 
> ideas they don't apply to nowadays.
> Sarah
> PS Also don't agree with what you wrote about people on the right not 
> having genuine or sincere feelings.  That's a huge generalization - 
> hope you were joking.
> At 6:41 PM -0800 02/10/2003, Susan Guzzi wrote:
> >But then I have always felt IMHO that those on the
> >right have a very hard time feeling anyway.  It's just not very 
> >genuine or sincere, if you can
> >never find it in your heart to choose peace.
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