A quick google search located the following:
brand new for $2169; certainly not relatively inexpensive, in fact, quite expensive (certainly the same order of magnitude as fat Gibsons. Note that it doesn't have the "name tag". I found it interesting that Ibanez has a "Metheny" model as well (though he clearly played a Gibson on S&L); Metheny got more famous as a guitarist after playing with Joni. Too bad they didn't honor Joni with a signature model (maybe they tried?).

Do you suppose that with Joni's new electronic guitar that handles of her tuning dilemnas, she has simply tired of all of these old analog guitars, and just wants to get rid of them?

At 05:33 PM 2/17/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Does anyone know if these (Ibanez Benson's) were relatively inexpensive
guitars ? They sounded fine with Joni playing them, but perhaps she just
liked them because of the fretboard, or their weight, or the semiacoustic
wide body sound ?


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