At 05:14 PM 2/17/2003 -0700, Dan Olson wrote:
Metheny got more famous as a guitarist after playing with Joni. Too bad they didn't honor Joni with a signature model (maybe they tried?).
I doubt they "tried." While Joni is an innovative guitar player, signature models tend more toward virtuoso types...Metheny certainly qualifies there.

Do you suppose that with Joni's new electronic guitar that handles of her tuning dilemnas, she has simply tired of all of these old analog guitars, and just wants to get rid of them?
I've been wondering about this too. I just can't imagine "liquidating" old equipment like that with its huge sentimental value, unless one was strapped for cash or storage space, but then, Joni never did much care to dwell on past albums, always preferring to discuss and promote the "latest project." Maybe she has decided she'll never play the older guitars any more and is cleaning house. I also wonder if she is donating part or most or all of the proceeds from these sales to Mr. Walecki, who has had a few health problems of late.


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