Mike, by "we" I meant the West but I believe it would benefit more of the world than just the West to be less dependent on the leaders of the oil rich states. I didn't say it was a good enough reason to invade -- I don't believe it's the reason for the invasion. And you say "to invade and destroy" - the intention is to invade and rebuild. But on the question of who the oil belongs to: Saddam Hussein nationalized it, by which I understand it's supposed to belong to the Iraqi people, but they have never seen the benefit of it, although Saddam and his family have, even with the sanctions. A democratic Iraqi government might de-nationalize it, and then the profits might benefit the Iraqi people. Whether they denationalize it or not, the Iraqi people have a right to some benefit -- they're living in what could be a wealthy country, yet there's a huge amount of poverty, and always has been under Saddam, which is absurd.


At 10:05 AM +0100 02/18/2003, mike pritchard wrote:
>>Wouldn't it be a good thing if Iraqi oil meant we were less dependent on
Saudia Arabia and OPEC?<<
Good thing for who?. . . And even if it WERE a good thing, this is not reason enough to invade and destroy a country in order to get 'our' hands on the oil that clearly belongs to another sovereign state,

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