In addition to Rey's points, it's worth noting that the test is pretty flawed for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that the DOM structure of the test page is ridiculous and not at all similar to what you might see on a typical commercial site or blog. I should know, because I'm the one who put the test page together (the one the test is run against, not the test itself). I just grabbed a section of Act I, Scene 3 ,of Shakespeare's As You Like It and wrapped a bunch of divs around the dialogue, etc. Hardly representative. I think you might be able to customize the test to run on other pages, and I would recommend you do so on your own site if you want anything resembling a "real-world" scenario. Another problem, at least last time I checked, is the way it handles errors. In a way, it "prefers" errors by giving them a time somewhere between 0ms and 15ms, which would obviously benefit the particular library that fails.

The slickspeed test has been discussed on a number of blogs as well, including a good dissection of it over at Jack Slocum's blog (back in February? April maybe?. Anyway, a quick Google search should make any reasonable person uneasy about relying on that test too much, especially in a single browser.

Karl Swedberg

On Nov 1, 2007, at 1:59 PM, Rey Bango wrote:

Hi Prit,

Please do a search in the archives for this topic. Just as early as last week, I posted a response to this.

Also, be sure to run the same test in IE so you can see totally different results. My post goes into detail about that as well.



prit wrote:
I have tried different javascript frameworks and I finally decided to
use jQuery because of the ease of use and all the good plugins
But recently I noticed a website which
compares 3 frameworks including jQuery. I ran the tests on that site
and noticed that they show jQuery as the slowest performer out of the
3 frameworks (Mootools, Prototype and jQuery).
Does anybody have comments on this ?

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