No problem Prit. We've just discussed this so many times and I thought it would be easier to ask that you do a search since there was ssssooo much discussion about this in the past.

Hopefully, you ran it in IE. I really do want you to see the speed difference.


prit wrote:
Thanks for the guidelines. I should have searched here and also
google. But your comments helped me. :)

On Nov 1, 4:03 pm, Pops <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Whoooooa! Rey, what a different between IE and FF.

I am not interested in the half-truths in any of this, but rather what
does the test show to improve jQuery, if anything?


On Nov 1, 1:59 pm, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Prit,
Please do a search in the archives for this topic. Just as early as last
week, I posted a response to this.
Also, be sure to run the same test in IE so you can see totally
different results. My post goes into detail about that as well.
prit wrote:
I have tried different javascript frameworks and I finally decided to
use jQuery because of the ease of use and all the good plugins
But recently I noticed a website
compares 3 frameworks including jQuery. I ran the tests on that site
and noticed that they show jQuery as the slowest performer out of the
3 frameworks (Mootools, Prototype and jQuery).
Does anybody have comments on this ?

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