Hi Rick, thanks for the congrats. I checked your site in IE7 and this
is what is happening: the pngs are solid black until the animation has
fully faded in, then they switch to being transparent. This is the
same problem I had with the drop shadows, although I thought it only
occurred when the background image was on the element you are fading.
Your example proves otherwise.

It's hard to pin down why my 8-bit png arrows fade in perfectly (I
watched them with an ultra-slow fade-in to be sure of this) but my
8-bit png shadow does not. Your png being 24-bit suggests that the
x-bit is irrelevant. Although - still - why do my 8-bit arrows work? I
tested putting the arrows png into the place where my drop shadow png
is and it then did not work (was solid black until fade completed
again), so it seems like some strange combination at work - which I
haven't been able to track down.

Long story short though (bit late for that), your site looks
acceptable because the solid black background turns to
semi-transparent straight after the animation and the transition is
not *too* jarring. Oh, and I don't see any scrollbars. The only time
have seen scrollbars on the list items is when there were bgIframe
problems. If you are using the most up to date version of bgIframe you
can actually apply it (and probably should) more simply like this:

Hope this helped.

Joel Birch.

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