Don't worry with your english, I'm not a native.

So you want to know how to make json request ?

Do you still have a question, or do you want just to discuss stuffs ?

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 5:21 PM, Dirceu Barquette <> wrote:

> The initial question was just about libraries.
> The thread now pointing to CMS. This is my goal! Write in English about
> this is so much difficult to me.
> I have been doing many apps (my job...) using jquery.
> I follow this group just to learn more with others developers. When I have
> some dummy doubt about jQuery I just googlit and "voila"!! jQuery is a
> fatastic tool!! But I want much more and it is truely possible using jQuery
> thoughts.
> This is just a dream, but reachable: View components builded with jQuery
> that can request data from server (controller). Controller can be builded
> using any language you wish, but the answer just is a JSON! jQuery read easy
> this answer and put data in the component previously created. You know?
> Thanks again for your interest!
> Dirceu Barquette
> 2008/12/17 Olivier Percebois-Garve <>
>> using a MVC framework such as cakephp or zend framework, you can put the
>> html in a view, and on top of that view insert the js. If you use the "head"
>> helper, you can make it be inserted between in the <head></head>. same for
>> css.
>> The I advice you to put your javascript code into seperate files, one for
>> each plugins.
>> This way, every time a view is requested, the relevant js will be called,
>> and with HTML + js + css, you've your widget.
>> Is that answering your question ?
>> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 4:38 PM, Dirceu Barquette <
>>> wrote:
>>> Forgive me the wrong words and semanthics. My mind is a tool for
>>> automatic translation...
>>> You are right about new thread. But in other words I want build the
>>> "view" part only. To do this I need some IDE. See this IDE like a GUI
>>> builder (with components ready to use).
>>> Second:
>>> If an user wants a list, he doesn't need write:
>>> $('<li/>')
>>>    .attr({id:'li-1'})
>>>    .css({list-style-image:'url(./imgs/blah.png)'})
>>>    .addClass('generalList')
>>>    .text('blah')
>>>    .appendTo('#ul-id');
>>> End users just wants: "click on the element and choice what he wants".
>>> Put these two topics together and you have an application that build
>>> applications. Or a CMS!!!
>>> Thanks a lot!!!
>>> Dirceu Barquette
>>> 2008/12/17 Olivier Percebois-Garve <>
>>>> Dirceu
>>>> is this a different question ? in that case you should start a new
>>>> thread with a different title
>>>> also if you are using a tool for automatic translation, just mention it.
>>>> I'm trying to understand what is your question.
>>>> You are trying to create a client-side widget in a MVC framework, and
>>>> you dont know how to structurate it ?
>>>> Olivier
>>>> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 2:42 PM, Dirceu Barquette <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Ok!
>>>>> Thanks to all!. But the right "stuff" I want is everything like this:
>>>>> I want to build components for the "view layer". People (me included)
>>>>> has been building widgets and plugins for topics apps. Most of them mixes
>>>>> among styles and logic to build it and force you develop controller at the
>>>>> same time.
>>>>> When I develop an application, first I used to put any components
>>>>> without styles at the view layer. These components doesn't need to know 
>>>>> how
>>>>> the logic works to. It must exists without "know" weather model or
>>>>> controller exists and has own logic. "View" is a complete application by
>>>>> itself. Styles comes latter... Web designers doesn't need to know how 
>>>>> jQuery
>>>>> works. They need stylesheet only.
>>>>> The above link shows that it is possible (but still mixing style with
>>>>> logic). Components needs  constructor method to build itself. Others 
>>>>> methods
>>>>> and attrs comes latter.
>>>>> Again, sorry my english... I hope you understand the semanthic of my
>>>>> words.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Dirceu Barquette
>>>>> 2008/12/17 Olivier Percebois-Garve <>
>>>>> Aptana does a good job for auto completion.
>>>>>> I you weant to learn the api for yourself, I think that
>>>>>> is excellent, I almost always have it open whilst
>>>>>> developing.
>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:22 PM, Dirceu Barquette <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I'd like to know, please:
>>>>>>> There is  {HTML,CSS,jQuery}library in [xml,csv,json]file format?
>>>>>>> The goal is an IDE...
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>> Dirceu Barquette

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