johny why:

> --why? unless the site css ALSO uses !important, how else could it
> override the candy-css?

Depending on how the rest of the selectors are written, a Body ID will
do overwrite it.


On Jan 18, 12:45 pm, johny why <> wrote:
> ricardo:
> "what does this have to do with jQuery?"
>      --this topic is on the jquery forum, because problems with a
> jQuery component, Superfish,  caused me to devise this method. The
> superfish support page directed me to this forum for support. the
> author of the plugin has not spoken up yet. (I imagine this technique
> might be useful for other jQuery candy.)
> "Support for the Superfish plugin is available through the jQuery
> Mailing List."
> "Third party "CSS Candy" that is supposed to be inserted in other's
> pages should be coded with this issue in mind, protecting all it's
> styles in it's own container"
>      --i believe that's incorrect, if by "container" you mean unique
> classes and id's. as i describe above, unique id's will NOT protect
> the component's style from the main site-css, if the site-css cascades
> into the candy. Which is exactly what what messed up my superfish
> menu.
> "writing styles in-line (if it's not meant to be altered). If this has
> not been done it is indeed badly written code."
>      --i don't agree. one of the principals of best-practice web-
> styling is to NOT use inline styles, but to separate formatting out to
> a css file. that way, the web developer can tweak the formatting
> without touching the html structure.
> "There is also a reason why !important is seldomly used: because it
> makes a mess of figuring out which style is being applied by
> overriding the cascading"
>      --i dont agree. the mess is what you have without !important. it
> instantly clears up that mess, because then you know exactly which css
> is controlling the candy-- the one with !important. override the
> cascading is exactly the benefit of using !important. The site-css was
> not designed to be compatible with your 3rd-party candy.
> i think the reason !important is seldom used, is because it's little-
> known, and because it's usually described as a way to resolve
> conflicts between web-page and browser-css (aka "author" vs "user").
> "prepending the unique ID to every style is much better."
>      --Superfish does indeed use a unique ID. as Klaus points out,
> that does not insulate Superfish from the site-css.
> for me, the proof is in the pudding. My silverfish displayed all wrong
> without !important. It displays beautifully WITH !important. That's
> all the proof i need!
> klaus:
> "a 3rd party widget...should...use...important declarations.
> Nevertheless there is no guarantee that the site's CSS will not
> override styles."
> --why? unless the site css ALSO uses !important, how else could it
> override the candy-css?

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