Sorry johnny, but you're the one who seems to not understand the
nature of CSS. I'm pretty sure of my reasonings in this field ;)

They're named **Cascading** Style Sheets for a reason. Third party
"CSS Candy" that is supposed to be inserted in other's pages should be
coded with this issue in mind, protecting all it's styles in it's own
container, or writing styles in-line (if it's not meant to be
altered). If this has not been done it is indeed badly written code.

I realize you're not aware of the issues that arise from your
"solution". There is also a reason why !important is seldomly used:
because it makes a mess of figuring out which style is being applied
by overriding the cascading - eased by the use of firebug inspection
or similar of course, but a mess nonetheless.

The second suggestion you posted, surrounding the "thing" with a div
and prepending the unique ID to every style is much better. Or putting
in an in-line <style> tag, which overrides external stylesheets but
without the mess of !important. That's what should have been done by
the CSS author in the first place, with ID or classes.

- ricardo
ps: what does this have to do with jQuery?

On Jan 18, 2:12 am, johny why <> wrote:
> ricardo, no offense--
> the only part of this thread you need to worry about is the first
> post:
> to insulate your 3rd-party candy (such as a suckerfish menu) from your
> site's css, globally replace: ";" with " !important;" in the candy's
> css.
> that's it.
> the rest of this thread is geeks debating hypothetical scenarios and
> solutions, which beginners and people with hangovers can ignore
> ;)

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