On Nov 1, 2009, at 1:33 AM, jmatthews wrote:

Nope.  I know what I want, but not what I'm doing.

What is the proper syntax to make the mouseover() below only take
effect on the parent BUT NOT ITS CHILDREN?


You're making it pretty difficult for people to help you. You've started a few threads asking the same basic question.


And you have replied to earlier posts without providing any context for that reply.

Have you taken a look at the demo I put up on jsbin.com?


Doesn't that do what you want it to do? And if not, can you describe how it's different from what you want?

You're fighting against two principles: event bubbling and style cascading. You can limit the event to be triggered only on those top- level items, but if you're directly applying a style to those top- level items, the child elements are also going to receive the styles because of the cascade, unless their styles are explicitly set to something different. I already showed one way to get around the cascade problem in my jsbin demo. Here is a way to limit the triggering:

$(".House,.Senate,.Assembly").mouseover(function(event) {
  if (event.target == this) {
      // do something
}).mouseout(function(event) {
  if (event.target == this) {
     // do something else


Karl Swedberg

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