On Nov 1, 2009, at 2:57 PM, jmatthews wrote:

Okay, see how the members are firing their respective "House" or
"Senate?"  That's what I want to stop.

Hmm. No, I'm not seeing that.

The members need their own class.  Let's say you mouse over a member.
I want it to turn red when you do.  If you mouse over House or Senate,
only House or Senate shou;d turn blue.  If you mouse of member, only
THAT member should turn red (not all members).  Further, members MUST
remain children of their respective house or senate.

Make sense?

Yes, it's starting to make sense.

Check out this article which describes the issue in terms of
referencing "relatedTarget" and "fromElement."

yes, I've seen that article. I don't think it's necessary to refer to relatedTarget and fromElement. As I mentioned in my previous reply, you just need to use the event.target property.

Here is another demo:


Mousing over senate and house change those words to blue, and mousing over the members changes their respective words to red. Only the moused over senate or house changes to blue and only the moused over member changes to red.


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