Title: RE: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks
The fact that we did drop nuclear bombs that killed and maimed many civilians is one that I am still ashamed of to this day as a US citizen.  Nor am I proud that we as a nation have never made a formal apology to Japan, as they have provided us for the bombing at Pearl Harbor.  But as my father pointed out to me (he was 12 years old at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor), it was the only way we could bring an end to the war.   The two atomic bombs that we dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima were NOT a response to the attack on Pearl Harbor.  They were simply the most economic way AT THAT TIME, to bring to an end to a war that did bankrupt all of Europe, and almost bankrupted the United States.  
----Original Message-----
From: Sanjay Gomes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks

I am sorry for again writing offtopic but couldn't resist a reply to this,   I am neither a critic of the US nor a fanatic but ....

..the facts are 

The Japanese bombed the military targets in the Pearl harbour , and in response the US dropped Nuclear bombs on two heavily populated cities

creating millions of civilian casualties for times to come

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Haseltine, Celeste [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   14 September 2001 17:00
Subject:        Re: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks

To everyone on JSP Board.

I apologize for filling up the board with another response, and off topic at
that.  But I am so tired of hearing how we in American may have deserved a
taste of what many in other countries have had to deal with the last couple
of days, that I had to respond to Isidoros.  My apologies to anyone I
inconvenience on the board today.



I wanted to thank you for your expression of sympathy for those of us here
in the US who did loose family, loved ones, and co-workers this past Tues.
Fortunately for our company in Texas, all the employees of the company that
we were working a contract with did manage to get out of the World Trade
Center Towers and are accounted for.

What you say is very true.  We vote people into office in the US that
reflect the majority opinion of whatever political issues are at the
forefront during the election process.  We do hold a great deal of world
power in our hands, and we often do force our views of democracy and justice
onto other countries who cultures and views are different.  And, we may use
our military muscle to protect our interests and the interests of our
allies, sometimes at the expense of the local people.

So some of the hatred that has recently been directed at us is
understandable.  But it is NOT excusable.  We are a country who believe in
the rights of all free people to take up arms and fight for what they
believe in.  But terrorism in ANY form is a cowardly way to fight, and it is
one that is without honor.  Back when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, they
freely and openly wore their national symbols on their planes, and their
uniforms.  And they admitted that they bomb us.  Though the result of their
actions were no different than the results that occurred on Tues in NY and
Washington, DC, the Japanese were a people and country with honor.  They
fought and died for what they believed in, and we in this country have
respected them from the day they signed the armistice, up to the present.

The people behind the attack that took place on Tuesday have refused to
stand up and admit who they are.  Because of this, many Americans view their
actions, and whatever beliefs they may hold that lead them to the attack on
Tues, in contempt.  They are cowardly, and are a people without honor.  In
addition to the attack on US soil on Tuesday, these same people have killed
so many others in so many countries, that it is time that we globally take a
stand and put a stop to terrorism once and for all.  That is why NATO, and
many other countries, including those who are openly opposed to the US such
as Libya, have joined the US in condemning what happened on Tues.  Whether
this will eventually lead to military action or not, it's hard to say.  But
this American is willing to cast a vote for military action IF their is
sufficient evidence regarding who was behind this attack, and IF the person
or persons responsible refuse to stand up for their actions and beliefs in a
court of law (UN court or otherwise).

Thank you again for your prayers, and continuing praying that we as a global
community can put a stop to terrorism once and for all without resorting to
military action.

-----Original Message-----
From: Isidoros Vacropoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 1:48 AM
Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC: Terrorist attacks

Good morning,

I'm sorry that i use this list for telling my opinion about the terrible
things that happened in USA. Whoever does not want to read this mail, he can
just erase it. I don't think it is tiring to erase an email....

I would also like to express my deep sorrow to the citizens of the USA.
Maybe there are fellow subscribers that may have lost friendly people or

Secondly, i would like to say that i'm from Greece and i'm a Christian
Orthodox. After reading all these mails in this list, i would also like to
say my opinion...

Noone in this earth has the right to feel happy for the dead people and for
all the destructions in the city of New York.
N O O N E. Beyond religion, political beliefs and financial situation , we
are all human beings and who are not given the right to feel relief for some
people who die, even if their political or religious background is not the
same to ours.

On the other hand, noone has also the right to decide an attack and kill
innocent people.
Whether you want it or not, the fellow subscribers that come from the great
countries, like USA,Germany,Great Britain and the other ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR
Voting for presidents and people in high places in the goverments who decide
that they will bomb innocent people (YUGOSLAVIA, AFRICA....) is not less
responsibility than taking this decision. I want to make clear that i'm not
saying that USA got what it deserved....I don't think that human beings are
the right beings to decide who has done wrong and who has done right.
I'm just saying that you are the one who voted for your presidents.Your
presidentd decided many bad things and attacks in the near past (and noone
can deny it) and these presidents made so many countries,folks and people
enemies of yours.
What i'm saying is that you gave the right to some people to hate you
because you made attacks that shouldn't have happened.
Whether you want it or not you hold the situation of the planet in your
hands. You can decide now what will hapen in my country in the next 30
years.If you ever understand the power that you hold in your

Again, i want to express my deep condolences to the families of the dead and
wounded people,
i'm sure that are deep religious people in my country that will pray for


I would like some fellow subscribers, especially from USA, to judge my


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