Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 2:11 PM
Subject: Wonders of the Web (W.O.W.)

bigchalk's W.O.W. Newsletter
Week of August 5 - August 11, 2002

Welcome to this week's issue of W.O.W.
(Wonders of the Web), sponsored by
AICPA: CPA... Imagine the Possibilities!

Each week, bigchalk brings you links to a select
group of fun, theme-oriented Web sites to help
you get through your weekend and beyond.

Let the AICPA help you show your students how
to make a difference -- one business at a time.
Click here to receive great teaching tools.


Explore the softer side of textiles in this week's W.O.W.!

1. Batik: Traditional Fabric of Indonesia

People of various cultures often have different languages,
tastes in food and styles of clothing. Many Asian cultures,
for example, are known for their meticulously designed
apparel. In Indonesia, textile designers are most famous
fort their development of batik. Batik is the process of
creating designs through the resistance of dye. Learn more
about this beautiful art form at bigchalk.

++ Teaching & Learning Link


2. 1,000 Years of Chinese Textiles

"Which culture discovered that we could create beautifully
soft fabric from a worm?" Current archaeological evidence
suggests that people in China harnessed the textile-making
capacities of the silk worm as far back as 4,900 B.C.! Some
say that the Chinese creation and development of silk is
one of their greatest contributions to world culture.

++ Teaching & Learning Link


3. The Unicorn Tapestry

There are many pieces of art that leave us with more questions
than answers. Why is Mona Lisa smiling? Who is the man in the
bowler hat? The famous Unicorn Tapestry holds similar puzzles.
Most believe these tapestries were designed in France and
produced in Belgium. But little else is known for sure. Read
some of the theories behind these masterpieces.

++ Teaching & Learning Link


4. Hurricane Quilt Art

After a tragedy occurs many victims can't describe their
feelings with words alone. In these cases, many turn to art
to use colors, images and materials to portray their sadness,
fear or depression. After the devastating damage caused by
Florida's Hurricane Andrew, several artists created quilts to
help express their feelings of loss and sadness. View some of
these emotional pieces -- online.

++ Teaching & Learning Link

Attention Teachers! Start Something is a free
ready-to-go curriculum that promotes character
development, leadership, and community stewarship
brought to you by Target and the Tiger Woods
Foundation. Click here to learn more:

5. Symmetry & Pattern: The Art of Oriental Carpets

Oriental carpets are revered for their complicated patterns.
Although it may look like these patterns are amazingly precise,
this is not the case. Through careful study one can detect
intricate bursts of colors and breaks in the general pattern.
There is great mystery as to whether these breaks are
intentional or the results of human error. Regardless, many
cite these "errors" as the most beautiful aspects of the carpets.

++ Teaching & Learning Link


6. Textile Museum of Canada

Look at the tag inside your shirt. It's a good bet that it
was assembled in another country far, far away. But that was
not always the case. During the 18th century, most clothing
and other textiles were created closer to home. Thus, fabrics
often reflected the culture, religion and history of the
larger community. Visit the Textile Museum of Canada to
explores this concept and see what history you can learn
from different textiles.

++ Teaching & Learning Link


7. The World of Textiles

Textiles are defined as any materials that are made from
fibers. Of course clothing comes to mind, but what about pieces
 of the International Space Station (ISS), parts of your family's
car or your mother's pocketbook? Find out more about textiles,
how they're made and how they impact our lives.

++ Teaching & Learning Link


8. Clothes Moths

Many animals are lovable creatures, except, of course, when
they eat through your favorite sweater! The most feared enemy
of a wool sweater is the clothes moth. This moth doesn't stop
at wool -- it'll eat through a range of fibers including hair,
feathers and silk. They are only about half an inch in length,
but they can perform a disproportionate amount of destruction!
Find out more about these animals and how you can defend
yourself and your sweaters from their appetites.

++ Teaching & Learning Link

Searching for an affordable way for everyone at
your school to work with an integrated set of
digital publishing tools? The Adobe(R) Publishing
Tools for Schools licensing suite features Adobe
PageMaker(R) 7.0, Adobe Photoshop(R) Elements and
Adobe Acrobat(R) 5.0 -- all at a great price.
Hurry -- this special offer ends 9.15.02!


First IBM Computer Ships

The first IBM personal computer (PC) rolled off the
assembly line this week in 1981. Later that same
year, Xerox introduced the graphical user interface,
complete with a trendsetting "mouse" that selected
icons and menus. Although Xerox never capitalized
on these inventions, Apple used them in their
Macintosh computer, which debuted in 1984.


The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela

This month marks the 40th anniversary of the arrest
of Nelson Mandela, one of the 20th century's greatest
leaders. The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela, a Web
site created by the staff of PBS's "Frontline"
public-affairs series, strives to tell the story
of this revolutionary turned president through
intimate recollections with friends, allies,
adversaries and his fellow prisoners on Robben
Island where he spent 18 of his 27 prison years.
The site offers a collection of video clips, rare
photos, detailed articles, a chronology of his
life and more.


Read advice from myFootpath's admissions counselor
in bigchalk's College Zone: "I am disabled and am
looking for information about what I need to do to
get into college. If there is financial help for a
disabled person I would like to know what I need
to do so I can get that help."


Want an easy way to give students and parents
instant access to the Internet's largest, most
up-to-date directory of learning sites? Add a
free bigchalk search box to your Web page.
Users can search our collection by keyword and
filter their query by grade level.

COMING SOON | Virtual Expedition: Manatees in Belize
Help save the manatees! Follow two marine scientists
and a team of volunteer researchers (including an
intrepid bigchalk field agent and a high school senior)
as they work together in Belize to discover how humans
can help endangered "sea cows" survive. Read first-hand
updates from the field, view manatee photos, send
email questions and more. Starts later this month --
at bigchalk!

Thank you for reading this week's W.O.W. newsletter.

Be sure to preview each link and try any
included projects or experiments before
using them with your students. All Web
sites included in this publication are
subject to the bigchalk Linking Policy.

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students, parents, teachers and Web surfers.
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