From: "bigchalk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Sackmann, Gleason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 05:46:36 -0700
Subject: Top 8 Web Sites

bigchalk's Top 8 Newsletter
Week of September 16 - September 22, 2002

Welcome to this week's installment of Top 8,
sponsored by A&E's "Biography" Contest.

Each week we bring you links to Web sites that
represent the very best online academic research

Could your college fund use a $5,000 boost?
bigchalk has teamed up with A&E's "Biography"
to challenge students to explore the life and
times of a famous figure, then write a short
biography. Sponsoring teachers could win special
classroom prizes. Find out more!


1. Anthropology in the News
Social Sciences > Anthropology > Online Reports

2. Grandmothers & Me Project
Classroom Internet Projects > Social Sciences > Family

3. Photo of the Day
Multimedia Resources > Photos > Collections

4. Native Cultures Around the World 2002
Lesson Plan Archives > Cultural Studies

5. Sprawl City
Geography > Urban Studies > Urbanization

6. Repositories of Primary Sources
Reference > Internet Libraries & Virtual Archives


7. Ask the Answer Worm
Earth Science > Soil Science > Basics

8. State Web Games
Social Studies > Geography > Learning Aides

NEW! The Adobe Education Print to Web Promotion:
SIX Award Winning Products at a disounted price
for students and educators! The Adobe Education
Print-to-Web Promotion includes Education versions
of six products plus a bonus GoLive/LiveMotion
training CD, which includes step-by-step tutorials,
templates, art files, stock photography, and
other extras.


1. Anthropology in the News
Social Sciences > Anthropology > Online Reports

Looking for fresh information to link your anthropology lessons
to the latest real-world discoveries? Updated each week by
educators at Texas A&M University, this site offers dozens of
recent news reports detailing new fossil finds, revised theories
and field expedition updates. Recent articles include
"Neanderthal Baby Skeleton Found," "Satellite Search Underway
For Noah's Ark," "Ancient Roman Workers Lived Well" and
"Prehistoric Brits Ate Like Wolves."

2. Grandmothers & Me Project
Classroom Internet Projects > Social Sciences > Family

Now is the perfect time to integrate a fall Internet project
into your curriculum. Grandmothers & Me is a multilingual,
long-term project that pairs students' interests in writing
and drawing with the love for their grandmoms! Kids from around
the world in grades K-12 can tell everyone the word for
"grandma" in their language, share the special name they call
their grandmother, draw the ways they spend or spent time with
her and explain why she is so very special.

3. Photo of the Day
Multimedia Resources > Photos > Collections

A picture is worth *way* more than a thousand words. Great
photos can transport us to far-off lands, let us look down
on our world from high above and move us in ways mere words
can't match. The photographers at "National Geographic" shoot
thousands of rolls of film each year. This special site presents
a single daily image from the magazine's diverse collection
along with insightful photographer commentary and more. Be sure
to click the archive link to find other recent offerings sorted
by category.

4. Native Cultures Around the World 2002
Lesson Plan Archives > Cultural Studies

Here's another Internet project that links students with their
global peers! This activity challenges kids to work together
to research the native populations in their own country and
then share their findings with others via the Web. Participants
must use their geography skills to locate the tribes of the
participating classes on maps, share literary experiences by
reading books about natives, author math problems, then design
a digital artifact box and post it on the Web and more.
Register today!

5. Sprawl City
Geography > Urban Studies > Urbanization

For years environmentalists have been warning us about the
dangers of urban sprawl. What exactly is sprawl? This site
defines it as the spreading out of a city and its suburbs
over more and more rural land, resulting in the conversion
of rural land into built-up, developed land. From 1970 to
1990, the 100 largest U.S. urbanized areas sprawled out over
an additional 14,545 square miles. In many states, sprawl is
the chief cause of habitat and species loss. Is there an end
in sight? Get the facts -- online.

6. Repositories of Primary Sources
Reference > Internet Libraries & Virtual Archives

Are you on the hunt for photos of the Battle of Gettysburg,
the full text of recent bills pending before Congress or
other primary sources? Hosted and updated by the University
of Idaho Library, this site contains an astounding collection
of more than 5,000 links to online destinations that detail
thousands of available manuscripts, archives, rare books,
historical photographs, government data and more. All links
have been tested by researchers for correctness and


7. Ask the Answer Worm
Earth Science > Soil Science > Basics

Do you like to dig in the dirt? Make mud pies? Collect
worms? S.K. Worm is waiting to hear from you! "Yes, it is
I, S.K. Worm. The S.K. stands for "scientific knowledge."
But you can call me Skworm, as in squirm all over the place.
I'm the official annelid, or worm, of the U.S. Department
of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service.
It's my job to make you and everybody else naturally
resourceful about natural resources."

8. State Web Games
Social Studies > Geography > Learning Aids

This year, millions of kids across the U.S. will learn
about our 50 states. These Web games will help you master
the basics. From locating each state on a virtual map to
state clues that help you learn about state histories,
industries and slogans, you'll be in the know in no time.
These colorful, fact-filled activities will keep you
riveted to your computer for hours!

Find great ideas for your finance curriculum and
win fantastic prizes for your classroom with
VISA's Practical Money Skills for Life Educator
Challenge. Hurry -- enter by September 30!


Autumnal Equinox | Fall Begins

This Saturday, day and night will each be nearly 12 hours
long, marking the autumnal equinox. It's the first day of
fall north of the equator, and the first day of spring in
the southern half of the world. Learn more about this
special day and its global significance at bigchalk.


Read advice about getting into the college of your choice
from myFootpath's admissions counselor in bigchalk's
College Zone.

This week's question: "I've been looking at colleges for
about a year now. I'm trying to narrow down my list of
colleges to apply to. What should I be thinking about?"


September 11 Digital Archive

"I first heard the news while working on my algebra
homework. My teacher came in looking nervous, and she
announced to us that a plane had crashed into the World
Trade Center, but she wasn't sure if it was accidental
or not." We all know where we were the morning of
September 11, 2001. Many of us were at school as the
day got under way. Others were in their cars on their
way to the office. No matter where you were on 9.11, you
have a tale to tell. The September 11 Digital Archive is
a central repository that collects, preserves and presents
these stories, as told by individuals from around the
world. Parents, teachers and students can their stories
to the collection, read others, view video and audio clips,
study Weblogs, link to dozens of related 9.11 anniversary
Web sites and more.


Want an easy way to give students and parents instant
access to the Internet's largest, most up-to-date
directory of learning sites? Add a free bigchalk search
box to your Web pages. Users can search our collection
by keyword and filter their query by grade level.

Help save the manatees! Follow two marine scientists
and a team of volunteer researchers (including our
intrepid bigchalk field agent and a high school senior)
as they work together in Belize to discover how humans
can help endangered "sea cows" survive.

Thank you for reading this week's Top 8 newsletter.

Be sure to preview each link and try any
included projects or experiments before
using them with your students. All Web
sites included in this publication are
subject to the bigchalk Linking Policy.

We offer several newsletters of interest to
students, parents, teachers and Web surfers.
To find out more, link to our newsletter
signup page today.

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to our Web site:

Looking for an archive of all past Top 8
sites arranged by theme? Connect to the
Top 8 collection.

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