On Friday, April 22, 2011 09:08:13 AM Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
> Another thing, that I'v been just pointed out...
> why don't you get in contact with the KDe-Games people? there's also
> the Gluon Project, and they are tying to make a game editor for quite
> some time.

Thank you for taking the time to answer. Unfortunately, these are the exact 
same steps I took a year ago... It's not like I'm trying sell vaporware. I 
have already written the Game Construction Kit.  It has a website, 
screenshots, and a 80k html document detailing how the scripting 
extensions/event model work.  


The qt source code is GPL on gitorious for everyone to see. It has it's own 
CMakeFile.txt to compile it. I have typed no less than half a million 
characters of source code by now.  (see source tree)


I have already spent the equivalent of two years of my life working on LGCK 
and I'm definitively not afraid to invest a couple more months integrating it 
with KDE if necessary.

--> Question: How do I present this project to KDE games / KDE admin so 
they'll understand that is a serious effort with an actual team behind it?

Frank B.
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