On Sat, 29 Mar 2014 02:18:24 PM Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> We had a bad experience with Nepomuk and now we want to control everything 
> about this new desktop search settings, but we don't have to.
> We don't need to filter out source code, it already does.
> We don't need to black list external devices, it already does.
> It just works out of the box. 

Except when it doesn't. I don't like this automagic stuff. There's bound to be 
edge cases where it doesn't work, possibly quite a lot of them. And all those 
user who encounter them will have no way of knowing whats happening and will 
just squawk loudly and often that search is still broken.

To me, it looks like taking something simple - indexing a collection of 
directories, and over thinking/making it really complicated. I think you'd be 
better off keeping it simple and letting the user decide what they want 

> I guess we can stop to worry about desktop 
> search anymore.

I currently have no idea what is being indexed on my pc. I have no way of 
finding out. If I change my directory structure or add extra media mounts I 
just have to have faith that baloo does the right thing.

It just seems a recipe for user angst and frustration.


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