ngraham added a comment.

  Thanks, I think this approach is more feasible! I have some comments below:


> kmessagewidget.cpp:275
> +    // for best results.
> +//     const QColor windowColor = KMessageWidget::palette().window().color();
> +    const QColor windowColor = palette.window().color();

This commented-out line and its comments should be removed.

> kmessagewidget.cpp:311
> +        qreal windowIntensity = 0.299 * windowColor.redF() + 0.586 * 
> windowColor.greenF() + 0.115 * windowColor.blueF();
> +        bgBaseColorAlpha = 0.5 * qMax((bgIntensity + (1 - windowIntensity)), 
> bgIntensity);
>          break;

I don't think all of this complicated code is necessary. The theme itself is 
supposed to ensure readability with the colors that it uses. Also, this results 
in a slight regression for the Breeze Dark theme: the Information widget 
doesn't get enough alpha and is too bright, worsening readability compared to 
the status quo.

  R236 KWidgetsAddons


To: rjvbb, ngraham, #frameworks
Cc: cfeck, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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