ngraham added inline comments.


> rjvbb wrote in kmessagewidget.cpp:311
> The issue I have with using these colours is that they are foreground 
> colours, to be used against one of 2 or 3 background colours. *That* is what 
> the theme can be expected to ensure.
> There is however no obstacle whatsoever to introducing a few new colour 
> categories, specifically for this use. Only then can you blame the theme if 
> things don't work out.
> I can modify (and maybe simplify) the alpha calculation of course.
> Here's what my theme gives with the tweaked alpha. Without that, information 
> messages would be a darker red than error messages. That would be wrong, but 
> I don't see how there's anything wrong with using a dark red for active text 
> and a brighter red for negative. Red on grey works very nicely for text that 
> should draw attention.
> F5967735: Screen Shot 2018-06-28 at 19.18.55.png 
> <>

That's your theme's problem. You used almost the same color for Negative and 
Active. Isn't the whole point of this to respect the user's theme? If the user 
chooses theme colors that are problematic, we can't help that.

Either way, we certainly can't include a workaround that's tailored to a 
problem introduced by your specific choice of theme colors.

  R236 KWidgetsAddons


To: rjvbb, ngraham, #frameworks
Cc: cfeck, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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