ngraham added a comment.

  I just realized that we have another case in `KWidgetsAddons` that could 
benefit from your read-theme-colors-without-using-kconfig idea: D12756: 
[KDateTable] Use more appropriate and readable text colors for weekends and 
holidays <>
  Would you mind putting it into a function and submitting it in another patch? 
I think it could be nice to have available more generally.


> ngraham wrote in kmessagewidget.cpp:311
> I don't think all of this complicated code is necessary. The theme itself is 
> supposed to ensure readability with the colors that it uses. Also, this 
> results in a slight regression for the Breeze Dark theme: the Information 
> widget doesn't get enough alpha and is too bright, worsening readability 
> compared to the status quo.

Also, commits should be atomic; even if we want to do this, it should be in 
another patch since it represents a separate conceptual change compared to the 
status quo, as opposed to simply a bugfix or missing feature.

  R236 KWidgetsAddons


To: rjvbb, ngraham, #frameworks
Cc: cfeck, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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