rjvbb added inline comments.


> ngraham wrote in kmessagewidget.cpp:311
> Also, commits should be atomic; even if we want to do this, it should be in 
> another patch since it represents a separate conceptual change compared to 
> the status quo, as opposed to simply a bugfix or missing feature.

What, the alpha tweak? Do you really want to split this up in a 1st commit that 
makes things worse for some followed by one that make things better than the 
status quo?

We'll see about that later, any splitting up is going to me the WIP and review 
more complicated (if not I could also submit 5 different reviews, 1 introducing 
the basic QSettings code, and one for using it for each of the message types...)

  R236 KWidgetsAddons


To: rjvbb, ngraham, #frameworks
Cc: cfeck, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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