> So how do I tell PCBNew that the pads are connected which have traces
> going to them

In the case where the last segment of a track is actually connected to
a pad using "exact end point matching" criteria, and the only problem
is that the net code for the track is 0, then you have an additional

Look at the menu option "Track Operations".  In there is a checkbox
called "Connect to Pads".  This will update the net code on that last
segment from 0 (meaning unconnected) to the net code of the pad, but
only if it is truly connected according to pcbnew's (too) strict
criterion:  the endpoint of the last track segment must exactly match
the center point of the pad.

You can use any of the track operations to help clean up your board,
including the "Connect to Pads" option exclusive of the others, which
is what you should try first.

Hope this helps.

Dick Hollenbeck
SoftPLC Corporation

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