Dick H. wrote:
>> It was choking on a bad layer number in the REFERENCE text of your PIC 
>> footprint.
>> I'll now go see where the layer number is coming from, but my change 
>> will get you by.
> I can't see anything in the code.
> You should probably manually edit your *.brd file with a text editor
> and set your layer numbers for all your 
> T0 and T1 texts to a reasonable number.

Thanks for the help and information.  I'll look at the file, but I don't
know what T0 and T1 texts are.  I'm not only new to kicad but to board
layout and schematic editing as well.  This is the first circuit I've
ever designed and the first board layout I've ever done so I may not
know quite a bit of stuff!

Programming I have done though and I'd like to dig into the kicad code
when I get some time.

> The value of 21 is predominant as you can see elsewhere in the file.
> And from include/pcbstruct.h, we have this to support that idea:
> #define 
> Dick Hollenbeck
> SoftPLC Corporation
> http://softplc.com

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