begin  quoting MattyJ as of Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 04:29:49PM -0700:
> <quote who="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
> > On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 03:13:35PM -0700, MattyJ spake thusly:
> >> I'll try Chrome when it's no longer vaporware but I can't wait to see
> >> some
> >> real benchmarks pitting it against the other three browsers out there.
> >
> > It looks like the Windows version is available and they are working on a
> > Linux version. I have signed up to be notified (via the Chrome homepage)
> > when a Linux version comes out.
> I was somewhat excited about this until about 2 minutes ago.
> The Windows installer is a 400K stub that obviously needs to download more
> files to install, but forget about it if you are behind a proxy.
> I never understood why anyone makes installers this way. With bandwidth

You [well, they] can more easily track downloads.

And it _starts_ installing right away. Which is Important for the AD(H)D
folks out there.

> being as cheap as it is, a 10 - 20 meg download is not a big deal any
> more. I want to copy that installer here, there, everywhere, run it again
> to install other components, install it on a laptop while I'm disconnected
> from the Internet, etc.


I imagine Google is trying to make sure that you /don't/ do that -- they
want the bugfixes rolled back into the codebase *pronto*, and if you have
and old version, you're not going to have the absolute latest version.

Plus, google *likes* the idea of you downloading and automatically
running code. That's the new internet paradigm!
> Authoring and maintaining these types of installers is a pain, too.

It's probably not THAT bad. Shoot, open a socket, pull down data, and
bootstrap an installer script.

> My first impression of Chrome is 'forget it', it's like getting a
> Christmas present wrapped in Tyvec.

I'll wait for the Mac version that doesn't use an install, but runs
directly from a .dmg file. :)

Packages? I don't need no stinkin' packages!
Stewart Stremler


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