<quote who="SJS">
>> >The threading/crash protection stuff sounds interesting, but I'm tired
>> of
>> >hearing about all these new, awesome UI innovations that have existed
>> in
>> >Firefox and Opera for half a decade. Firefox is also an offender in
>> this
>> >space.
>> >
>> >Tabs on top? Oh my! How innovative! How about tabs on the left and
>> right?
> Using processes and jails is the best part about it. Tabs on top? Who
> cares? Actually, I might, since I mostly click on tabs, rather than
> the location bar or back buttons. Leaving them closer to the content is
> a GOOD thing.
> Hopefully that's configurable.

In Opera you can configure your tabs on the top, bottom, left or right. I
wasn't *just* being sarcastic. :)  You can pretty much put any button bar,
panel, etc on any of the four sides for your window.

>> You want an innovation, how about *tiling*.  At this point, my monitor
>> is so wide that small paragraphs barely fill one line.
> Opening up a new window doesn't do it for you?

Opera has tiling, though only vertically and horizontally. Just right
click on any tab and go to the 'Arrange' menu.

> Safari, for all its flaws, lets me drag tabs between windows, so I can
> arrange the tabs as I please and tile the windows as appropriate.
> Firefox doesn't do that, or if it does, I haven't yet figured out how.

Opera does this, too, though it opens the same tab in the new window and
leaves the old one behind. Haven't found a way to configure it to actually
move it.

I can't speak for Safari but one of my favorite Opera browsing features is
the Control+Z hotkey. Accidentally close three of the 20 tabs you have
open and OMG I forgot to bookmark those and have no clue how I got to them
...? Control+Z, Control+Z, Control+Z. Done. I love it.

I could go on and on and be a jerk about Opera forever, but I guess my
chief complaint is when Firefox, IE or whoever sends out a press release
touting some new feature that already exists. Opera's press releases have
a different tone to them, albiet it's because they are commercial. I don't
see anything from them touting new browser features that already exist,
and usually not even new things they were first to market with. Their
press releases mostly talk about distribution wins and new GA releases
(especially of Opera Mobile.)



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