Andrew Lentvorski wrote:
Ralph Shumaker wrote:

Which is another nice feature about TabsMix+. If I actually kill FireFox (which is *so* easy with [Ctrl][C] when it was started from a terminal), upon bringing it back, TabsMix+ offers to reload all the windows and tabs that were open. One drawback, though, is that most pages that had not finished loading usually do not re-appear. :( Apparently they were never listed in the open-tabs list.

Um, how old is your Firefox?

Restore tabs has been standard in Firefox since 2.X. So is "Recently Closed Tabs" in the history.

v2.0.0.16, the latest updates via yum on Fedora 8.

I don't like those two features in FireFox. Tho I must admit that I did not try them until after I was already using TabsMix+. But I got TabsMix+ for other reasons (which FireFox did *not* have), tho I don't recall what that was. Maybe it was drag and re-sequence tabs.

3.0 is irritating me pretty badly, though. They broken the autocomplete in the URL pretty badly.

I probably wouldn't care since I hate autocomplete for the URL.

It also seems to have "upgraded" incompatibly. It seems like my history and bookmarks moved back about 3 months.

Inflation is an increase in the quantity of money and credit. Its chief consequence is soaring prices. Therefore inflation – if we misuse the term to mean the rising prices themselves – is caused solely by printing more money. For this the government’s monetary policies are entirely responsible.
--Henry Hazlitt


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