Joe Nunley wrote:

>> How much carbon fiber is enough? I built a 6 inch extension to my
tail surface the way that Mark describe below. When I attach the new 
addition to the airplane I will t88 glue it to the tail and cover in 
carbon fiber. I want o overlap the old and new with carbon fiber. How 
far do I want to overlap? <<

I would have built the extension in place, as a piece of foam glued to 
the end, shaped using the existing airfoil, and then carbon-fibered in 
place, overlapping the existing stabilizer (after sanding to expose raw 
fiberglass) by something like 3"-4".  T-88 isn't the first epoxy I'd 
have thought of for that job (the way I describe above), but given that 
it's already built, T-88 should work fine, as its thickness would help 
ensure all surfaces are in good contact.  Rough it all up to ensure lots 
of "tooth", of course.

Mark Langford
ML at

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