Mr. Brigadier General wrote:

I am a former Marine General who has flown over 30
years, but I must admit that I am a novice at the
building process and realize that the more I know, the
better the plane will be.  We want to include a BRS, a
portable oxygen system, long range fuel tanks,
transponder and GPS as part of the stock plane, not an

I've been reading all the hoopla about a factory for the Kr. I  enjoy the KR 
Net. I receive great amounts of info. (Special thanks to Mark Langford, Dana 
Overall), If there is true intent to be conjoined with Jeanette R then Mr. 
Brigadier should be seeking a forum with her alone. 

My personal opinion is backed up by 20 years pure aviation. I have flown for 
the Military for 10 as a Chief Warrant Officer. I have flown literally half 
way around the world with 5 years over sea's even with the unfortunate 
experience of going down twice. I was responsible for saving the lives of my 
crew and 
most of my ship anyway. Of course the engine and transmission were toast. But 
those that flew with me as well as myself (obviously) are still walking Gods 
green earth. No medals, I did what the military trained me to do and I know 
received the best flight training in the world. I was trained by Vietnam 

I am licensed and qualified in both Helicopter (Huey's to the Apache)  and 
fixed wing. I have been slowly but surely, building my KR2S for KR netters 
obvious reasons. 

I am not currently an engineer. But have been enrolled as a full time student 
for the past 20 months majoring in Aerospace Engineering. With the past 5 
years as a Senior Technical writer within the Aerospace Industry. 

In my own experience, I have built them, fixed them, flown them till they 
broke apart "literally", studied them, and have been writing the books on them. 

I chose this aircraft for all the reasons everyone else has. Because I love 
to fly. It is not only what I do, but it is who I am. As it is for all those 
that love the experience and true freedom of flight. 

Being a military man I am not surprised if Mr. Brigadier is a general. 

First of all, to even think of putting all that garbage on a well proven 
platform until it is no longer a kit aircraft, until it is no longer simple to 
build, until it is so heavy that it can't get off the ground and finally until 
is no longer affordable, is just like the military. 

Second, if Mr. Brigadier is a general, being a military man myself, I know 
the only thing he flew for the 30 years was a desk. He may have his wings, but 
that doesn't mean he actually flew. I know when my general got in my bird, I 
didn't allow him to even operate the radio, and I "was" in an aviation unit.

This aircraft I chose because I wanted to create a flying machine that would 
incorporate not only the proven sound engineering of RR, but also my own 
knowledge of flight experience as well as my personality. A few Pre-fabricated 
parts are nice, but there still is the 51% rule to contend with as well.

Lastly, my ethics, morality, integrity, character and tenacity to attempt to 
achieve flight by my own fabrication have been shaped by the purity of the 
love for flying and the machines that allow me to cheat the bounds of gravity. 

I believe that all those that are involved with this KR net forum, carry 
these same traits and would speak to them as brothers of a common and noble 

To Mr. Brigadier, the KR is a bird whose feathers were meant to be shaped by 
the sole hands of each individual of whom so ever ventures to join in this 
quest of personal accomplishment in bringing out the eagle within 

If all of us did want a factory built aircraft,.......we 

The journey of  building the KR to reach the clouds, is what makes playing in 
them, so great.

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