At 02:02 AM 11/8/2004, you wrote:
>Hi Don
>With reference to the "Specs and Mods" comment on your web site:
>In the narrative you mention a stretch of 5" fwd and 6" aft for a total
>of 11" over the KR2S - thus a new length of 16'11".
>Your root chord is 4" greater (48 to 52) so maybe another inch or so in
>the distance between the spars and thus the overall length - so maybe a
>total of 17'.
>In the table comparing the KR2 /KR2S /KR2XL you give a length of 18'6"
>for your airplane.
>I am missing something here.

There is no increase/change in the distance between the spars.  I added in 
front of the main spar and behind the rear spar.  What I said that I added 
over and above the KR2S is accurate.

Without getting out the plans and looking at all of the dimensions, I can't 
tell you where the overall length came from.  In addition, the published KR 
dimensions are based on a "stock" KR with a VW engine.  There are also 
discrepancies in plan dimensions versus literature dimensions.

My final length is actually somewhat longer than I originally planned.

I did a weight and balance before making the engine mount so that the 
balance would be correct without ballast.  I have an O-200 without a 
starter and a very small alternator.  My engine weight is approximately the 
same as a heavy VW and less than a Corvair.  With all the mods, the engine 
mount is longer than anticipated.

Don Reid  -  donreid "at"
Bumpass, Va

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Aviation Surplus:
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