I used the micro ballon method years ago on another project. You have to mix it 
to the consistancy of peanut butter as I recall and aslo as I recall I had some 
problems working it in such a way as to get it to stick. 
I still have a bunch of it and as for the weight difference, I can not give you 
any scientific evidence to support my statement but it so light, its almost 
like working with air if that makes sense.
Jeff York

--- On Mon, 2/15/10, MICHAEL SYLVESTER <shagste...@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: MICHAEL SYLVESTER <shagste...@hotmail.com>
Subject: KR> Slick finnish.
To: "KRNET" <kr...@mylist.net>
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Monday, February 15, 2010, 10:39 PM

Hey Guy's, I finally have the wings covered with foam and am looking forward to 
glassing them asap(which is always a month longer than I had planned.) Is peel 
ply the way to go for a slick finish and why is there not a good web site for 
the cosmetics on the KR ? The reason I ask is I attended a composite class 
while at Sun N Fun and the speaker recommended, after wetting out the glass and 
sqeegeing off the excess to pour dry micro balloons over the wing and brush it 
around to fill in the weave. After drying just rake the excess back into the 
can. He said that this would be lighter than the peelplying method but how much 
weight are we talking here ? Is there a best way to do this ? 

Mike Sylvester 
kr2s builder 

Cell no.205-966-3854

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