> On 07 Oct 2016, at 17:56, Joseph Jacks <jja...@apprenda.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> At Apprenda, we have many large clients, OSS efforts and product initiatives 
> underway to improve the operational experience of running Kubernetes on bare 
> metal. I thought it would make sense and be useful to create and start 
> leading a SIG for this area specifically as we are extremely interested in 
> contributing our ideas, code and best practices with the community to improve 
> the usability, documentation, implementation approaches and standards around 
> designing, deploying and operating Kubernetes clusters on metal -- 
> specifically in physical private data center environments. 
> I see a fair bit of intersection with Cluster-Lifecycle and Cluster-Ops SIGs, 
> but given the complexities and specific challenges here, it jumped out to 
> propose this.
> A few questions:
>       • How can we outline objectives of the SIG?
>               • Use case definitions
>               • Outline problem areas and challenges with existing upstream UX
>               • Major differences in deploying and running on-prem/bare metal 
> vs. on public cloud compute VMs/instances
>               • ...
>       • 2. Who is interested in collaborating here? (I know CoreOS has some 
> exciting projects in this area)
>       • 3. Anything I am missing?

Thanks for bringing this up. We were actually discussing similar proposal on 
Thursday internally in Mirantis, but we assumed that everyone is trying to use 
SIG-cluster-ops as a vehicle to work on that. Looks like there is some 
interest, so we are very happy to join.

Bare metal/on-prem is our main focus, as our customers are mostly running their 
own clusters. We see a lot of room for improvements or helpers for BM 
environments. Couple of months ago we discussed with some folks writing bare 
metal provider, in similar way like AWS/GCE etc. This idea was somehow not 
accepted by community and instead there was a proposal for more modularity on 
how we handle storage, networking, and other components. Our goal is simple: 
make Bare Metal first class citizen in kubernetes world. And I think it might 
be good motto for the new SIG.

What we see as areas of work in near future:
- Networking on BM
We would like to see equally pleasant experience with load balancers and how we 
handle external cluster IPs. UX is crucial here. We have couple of ideas here.

- Installation
Installation on BM is much different from other environments. We are 
contributing to Kargo a lot, but also looking at more “native” kubeadm. Still, 
Kargo solves some underlay problems, that kubeadm does not even look at. 
Installation is critically important as this is first contact with kubernetes 
on BM for many customers.

- Testing
We would like to see improvements on how e2e passes on BM, currently there are 
many problems in this area. It would be also nice to have more tests dedicated 
to BM.

- Scale
Scaling on BM is different area where we invest. It would be great to have 
roadmap here and start collaborating with SIG-scaling

- Storage
Same as networking, it would be nice to have some improvements in UX here.

So, to sum this up, we have dedicated teams working on bare metal and we are 
all in for creating this SIG. We can also commit to work actively and even take 
co-lead seat if community is OK with that.

Tomasz 'Zen’ Napierala
Kubernetes Engineering - Poland

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