
Sgrìobh Khaled Hosny na leanas 14/12/2014 aig 06:35:
but the way people is complaining about them is what I'm worried about as it shows that some localiser seem to have total disregard to things that are intrinsic to the quality of any textual material, let alone localisation.
I resent that, I actually make a living off this and I'm very good at it. But perhaps it's just that a newsgroup as a medium can be somewhat deficient for human communication. Please let me therefore spell it out to you how I respect l10n and how l10n sometimes disrespects me (Sophie, keeping the good mood is hard - if it happens once, it's a mistake, no probs, don't do it again, let's move on. The second time, I scratch my head and ask 'weren't we here before'. The third time I feel like someone is taking the pish).

So... realy examples...

You opened %d files > You closed %d files
My head: ok, content change, let's fix it, no worries

[new string]
My head: ok cool, let's localize

%Y-%m-%d > %Y-%M-%D
%d-%m-%Y > %D-%M-%Y
My head: ok, maybe there is more space or something, let's get it localized

Opening text documents > Opening Text Documents
A' fosgladh sgrìobhainnean teacsa > A' fosgladh sgrìobhainnean teacsa
My head: Stop messing me around. My locale has strict rules about caps (only proper nouns are capped), you're making unnecessary work for me.

Opening ~text documents > Opening _text documents
A' fosgladh ~sgrìobhainnean teacsa > A' fosgladh _sgrìobhainnean teacsa
My head: Maybe there is a technical need for this change but can't you automate that? You're making unnecessary work for me, this is not l10n work because as a localizer I have no control over what marks a hotkey. This is a developer problem.

The "Terms and Conditions" > The “Terms and Conditions”
Na "teirmichean is cumhaichean" > Na "teirmichean is cumhaichean"
My head: Stop messing me around. The choice of formatted vs unformatted " is locale specific stuff and not governed by the en-US source. If a locale decides to go from unformatted to formatted, then that is decided by the locale (e.g. due to change in linguistic practice in the country). This is not governed by why en-US does or does not do. Case in point, some locales use «» so the question of en-US going " > ” is even more pointless.

The Terms\n\n and Conditions > The Terms\n\n and Conditions
My head: This is one of the most useless ways of making layout anyway because the localizer has to *guess* how much space there is. To make it worse, you now make me sit through the developers playing with \n or \n\n. Would be nice if someone just wrapped that automatically or gave me some guidance as to the space available.

The "Trems adn Cnditions" > The "Terms and Conditions"
Na "teirmichean is cumhaichean" > Na "teirmichean is cumhaichean"
My head: Ok so the person who texted this string was drunk. Happens. But why do *I* have to look at this again? The en-US typo does not change the content of the source so my translation is ok as it is, it's just a source typo being fixed. Argh.

THAT'S what we're moaning about...


*Akerbeltz <>*
Goireasan Gàidhlig air an lìon
Fòn: +44-141-946 4437
Facs: +44-141-945 2701

*Tha Gàidhlig aig a' choimpiutair agad, siuthad, feuch e!*
Iomadh rud eadar prògraman oifis, brabhsairean, predictive texting,
geamannan is mòran a bharrachd. Tadhail oirnn aig www.iGà <>

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