> > - food 'additives'
> >
> > - plastic food containers leaching ?what? into the food
> >
> > - GE/GM *crap* poisoning foods that we were *used* to . . .

> I don't think it's quite as simple as that... I was told (way back in
my childhood) that allergies (food or otherwise) are genetic -- that we
pass them on, if not always in exactly the same form. If so, then they
spread like a weed (sorry, I can't remember the English term...
"geometrical progression"? when you have 1 in first generation, 2 in
the second, 4 in the third, etc?).
> Tamara

Genuine allergies have always existed
and have been passed on with other
characteristics . . . but allergies to food
as it had been *before* researchers
began modifying for various 'wanted'
characteristics were rare enough to be
worth 'publishing' . . .

But varieties of the food crops we *used*
to eat have 'gone extinct' along with
animals/birds in favor of what could stand
shipment . . . then warehousing/storage
took its toll so now we're eating plastic
along with our food . . . for the last few
years we've been eating GE/GM food,
too - soybeans, canola, corn, rice among
them . . . what are you thinking when
a man who has saved his own seed for
years to maintain those genes gets
hauled into court by horror-Monsanto
& kin because *their* s__t has blown
into and polluted his *healthy* food
but they are suing *him* for 'stealing'
their patented food' ????

And who is tracking the allergies to food
that now includes pesticide *in its genes* ?

Toni in Seattle

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