> And on the matter of cultural differences... Quite apart from the fact 
> that an American "window" is still not a "proper" window to me (the 
> sash-horror <g>), 

What's wrong with the windows?  There's plenty wrong with the windows
around where I live, but I didn't know it was a common American thing

> 31.5 yrs "down the American road", I still have 
> *vital* problems with the American *calendar*... :)
> The week *starts* with a *Sunday*?!?!?

Oh yes.  I can't get used to that.  And isn't Sunday part of the

> Sunday is the day of rest, *after* a week of labour; that's how God set 
> things up, and even the communists knew it :) 

Although I remember somewhere in church hearing that Sunday is the first
day of the week - even the Catholics don't seem to be very consistent on
that one. 

> And, please, don't tell 
> me that its because "Sunday" is the "Sabbath"...  Christians have moved 
> the day of rest to Sunday *long* ago, and, linguistically, neither 
> Saturday nor Sunday has anything to indicate the "Sabbath" in English. 
> In Polish and in Russian, there's at least a vestige of it ("sobota" 
> and "subota", respectively), and it's the only "foreign" day's name, 
> with no roots within the language. But it is, definitely, *Sunday*, 
> which is a "no work day" in both languages, and Monday is "the day 
> after the no work day". And, Tuesday is "the second day", just in case 
> anyone missed the point on Monday, with Wednesday being "mid day", and 
> Thursday and Friday being the "fourth" and the "fifth", respectively... 
> :)

It is a very reasonable naming system. 

> *Every time* I look at a calendar to find out what day of a week a 
> particular date is, I look in the wrong place, because the arrangement 
> has been moved by one...

Oh yes.  I get the time confused as well - in Poland we sometimes say 4
when we mean 16 or 4pm, but we pretty much always write 16, so when I
see pm hours in emails, I often miss the pm and show up 12 hours

(confused in Caltech, Pasadena, USA)
(Also, my Matlab program just returned "out of memory", arrgh)

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