Hi to my Secret Pal in NZ!

I was so pleased to receive the goodies this morning after a not-too-good
start to the day!

The rose scented bath stuff, and the silver sugar star were looked at with
envy by my 4 - year old grand-daughter - she is into pink and purple in a very
big way and is training to be a Princess, so we both loved them!  The nail
decals were also well-received - I do love things like that, and will enjoy
putting them on my nails.

The magnetic pad and the gift-tags are so pretty - almost too good to use! -
so I do thank you so much for them, and the beads - I love spangling, so will
greatly enjoy either buying new bobbins to use them with (?) or changing the
beads on bobbins I have - I'll leave you to ponder which option will appeal

Once again, many thanks indeed - I will look forward to next month and,
ultimately, finding out who you are!    If things had gone to plan just after
my husband and I were married, we would be living in New Zealand now, and
possibly lace-making neighbours - what a wonderful thought!

Thanks once again, and may your pins never bend.


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