Dear Secret Pal,

Your parcel arrived at the end of last week but I was busy getting my son ready for his year-end dance recital and also running a garage sale. I didn't have a chance until today to really have good look at the goodies you sent. Thank you so much for everything. I think I may have to share the writing paper with my daughter - her face lit up when she saw it! The air freshener will be put in our commuter car (we have to drive my one son quite a distance for his dance classes as we live in a small town). The bobbin is lovely and I will be putting the beautiful butterfly bobbin on it. I haven't got many divider pins and I do need quite a few on one of the pieces I am working on. This one feels wonderful and I can hardly wait to start using it. However it may be a few weeks before I can as I have a lot to do in the next couple of weeks preparing my children for their summer activities and for our family trip to the west coast of Canada. I love the colour of the blue thread - now I have to find the right project to use it for.

Thank you so much again,
Cindy Rusak

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