> But now I'm curious:  the tendency in the US of
> children addressing
> elders by their first name;.....

You brought to mind the small child of our friends who
was just learning to talk.  He could pronouce DH's
name of Chuck but not mine.  He solved it by calling
both of us 'Chuck'.  He knew we always came together
so the single name worked for him.  This went on only
a few months until his language skills developed more.
I was rather a surprise to me until I realized what
was happening.  The families parted ways before he was
old enough to say Mr or Mrs, but he did finally learn
to say Alice.

On another subject...As I got older, I was sometimes
annoyed in a medical office when a young twerp of a
girl would call me Alice.  I have since noticed that's
it's commonly done in various medical offices.  Once
in a while they will use the full name but usually
it's just the first name. 

Alice in Oregon

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