Of course, what Agnes fails to mention in her comments about dishwashers is....

Her dishwasher makes coffee
Her dishwasher can wash hair sometimes
Her dishwasher walks the dog
AND her dishwasher turns lace bobbins!!!

Now that's the sort of model you need!!!

Sue in EY
On 6 Nov 2010, at 09:49, Agnes Boddington wrote:

I have a perfect dishwasher, and have had it for 31 years.
He always does the pots after breakfast, but still does not quite understand where everything goes after that.
Perhaps I should try labels on the cupboards and drawers?
The rest of the day, I do the pots, and actually enjoy the job.
Though after I broke my arm, my "dishwasher" functioned three times a day, but I am slowly taking over again.

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