Hi Bev,
I enjoyed reading your article in the new Lace Guild magazine. Thankyou.
I rather wish you hadn't started this trail about lace projects though, I'm feeling guilty. At the beginning of the year I had cleared all of the pillows with work on them, vowing not to have more than one project on the go at a time, (well perhaps two at a pinch) How are the mighty fallen, pride comes before a fall, etc. etc. While I was waiting for my recent operation I thought a largish project would take my mind off things. I started Geraldine Stotts 'Torchon Waterlily' pattern. It didn't work. I found tthat I couldn't give it the necessary concentration, so I put it to one side and made my rainbow pincushions instead. When I came back from hospital, I still felt that I couldn't go back to the water-lily, but I wanted to make some lace and decided traditional torchom was the answer. One of Biggins patterns was calling me. Now it is large, one that is a wide, full lace rectangular mat. You work down one side, round the bottom and up the other side sewing in as you go. I spent quite a bit of time planning how this could be made on my existing pillow. I have a large one with big movable blocks and I worked out how I could do it without moving the lace. As I worked down the first side and came to start the turn, I spent more and more time pondering the position of the lace on this pillow until now when i am halfway around the turn I know that it is not going to work like that and I am going to have to move it and it has 64 pairs of bobbins!!! Scream.
Then it was our monthly lace meeting a couple of weeks ago and I could not pack up and take either of those pillows so I have started one of Cathy Belvilles Chrysanthemum Lace patterns, but at the meeting taking with one of the other members we decided that we must plan for a class we are teaching on Milanese lace so I have now started a sample for that. Four pillows now. No more. I have run out of places to stack them. It's a good job I thnk that I cannot go to the IOLI convention
Jean in Cleveland U.K.
On Wednesday, July 30, 2003, at 12:48 AM, Bev Walker wrote:

Hi all

For those not going over lists and checking them twice to go to
convention, how're things, lace-wise? Everyone cool enough (or warm enough
or tepid enough - this is hemisphere friendly) to do lace? And what's on
your pillow now?
Let's fill in the time until convention reports come our way...

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