alice howell wrote:

> "Several weeks"  is a longish project????  Interesting viewpoint.  I have
> one on-going project now in it's 4th or 5th year, and only half done.  I
> take it to demo's -- seldom work on it at home.

Well ok, I admit, several weeks does not seem that bad, BUT, you have to know
that there are lots of projects that I have started and that will take forever
to finish.  They will get finished, I just don't know when.  There's the
crocheted tablecloth that was started ten years ago, then the crocheted lace
curtains for the patio door are five years old, the tatted tablecloth is also
five years old, the large needlepoint is at least four years old, and ....

Many of my projects take months or years to do, in large part because I have so
many things on the go at the same time that I don't work on everything that
often, plus stuff for me gets delayed by Christmas presents, and then I travel,
and then ...

Cross stitch and bobbin lace are the two techniques that I do the most, mainly
because I keep a cross stitch in the dining room (I live alone), and work on it
every day, and because I try to do some bobbin lace every day (when I'm home),
even if it's just for 15 minutes.  When I travel, the bobbin lace gets deserted,
but I do bring cross stitch and tatting.  Add to that the fact that I only have
work on one pillow at a time, and that I mainly make small items in bobbin lace,
like motifs for greeting cards and bookmarks, and a mat that takes several weeks
(like 7 or 8) seems to be very long.

But, nothwitstanding all that, you are absolutely right.  Several weeks as long
for bobbin lace is just my personal perception of things, and I don't consider
10 years on a tablecloth as being long.  Oh well, now if I can just get through
today, I can go home for a nice long weekend.

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