Hi spiders
I've just been catching up on digests as I've been unable to receive e.mail
for the past few days (I'm back on line Alice) my DH (my Hero) has been able
to sort out the mess I made of uninstalling spam pal! Anyway I digress.
I have been reading the comments about the Convention and costs etc with
interest and thought I'd add my pennyworth.
A year or so back the OIDFA Conference was held in Nottingham, England. I
had looked forward to attending for several years and when the details
arrived I was very excited, when I came to read the details and costs (and
worked out exactly what it would cost for the two of us to attend for the
three days) I was very upset and decided that no way was I going to pay out
at that rate, so my husband and I decided we wouldn't go.
Instead we used that same amount to pay for a two week holiday for us and my
son. We spent a week with a cousin near Dortmund and a week in the
Erzgebirge region of Germany, we had a wonderful time lots and lots of lace
to see and I completely forgot my disappointment about the convention
because we had such a wonderful and envigorating time. The costs  that the
convention would have cost us covered the ferry, petrol for our car,
accommodation, meals (except at my cousins where we were guests, but we did
take them out for dinner a few times) and entry to museums etc. Spending
money was extra.
I'll say no more.
Nicky   in Suffolk.

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