On May 27, 2004, at 14:39, Weronika Patena wrote:

as for the plastic, do you know where I could get it?  The Caltech
bookstore doesn't seem to have any, and I'm not very oriented in big
American stores and what which of them have...

*All* cut-rate stores (WalMart, K-Mart, Target) will have the "Con-Tact", which is a self-adhesive shelf-liner, and clear is always one of the options stocked.

Like Clay said, I'm beginning to run low on my clear, but *grey*, variety (which someone had hunted down for me in Seattle, 6 yrs ago). When I'm out, I'll revert to my pre-grey Con-Tact method, which was to copy my prickings onto light-grey paper before covering them with clear, no-colour, Con-Tact. I can't stand the blue film; most of my work is in colours and, 9 times out of 10, one of them will either disappear, or look "sick" against the blue. Light grey is like Northern light -- safe all around (except for grey <g>). And it shows off white very well too.

Tamara P Duvall             http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
              Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
    no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.

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