Hi All,

I have happily put my name and location on the Buddy Map - but I must also be either very trusting or extremely stupid!!! (Please don't answer that one!)

I have my name, address, phone number and eMail address all over the place - internet, libraries, adverts in shops etc - in an attempt to publicise my adults and children's classes - I even have photos of lace and students (with permission of those photographed, I might add) in the local hospitals, along with an advert. So far, I haven't had any unpleasant messages/encounters, apart from the usual spam stuff , some of which comes to the computer whatever you do to try to avoid it. I wouldn't go so far as to tell anyone my Bankers or my PINs, but I do think it extremely unlikely that anyone would home in on my information - but of course, that's what everyone thinks until they are a victim ...

However, I still think I'll be leaving all the info all over the place - at least it may help to make the classes more viable - but I may also take out insurance against identity fraud/theft.

Carol - Suffolk UK

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jean Nathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lace" <lace@arachne.com>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 9:47 AM
Subject: [lace] Buddy map

Joy wrote:

<I was *gratified* to find that my arrow put me away out in
the bike trails, so that only you guys could zoom in on my

And then goes on to say how to find her house. As the emails from Arachne go into a public archive > My reasons for wanting to be removed are that I'm a pedant and get really stressed, and annoyed if things aren't right, so I'd want my marker on the spot where I live, but then don't want just anyone to be able to find the house.

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