"Craig Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Apparently the tests are being done reentrant, but not with the VIs set to
>subroutine. Both changes give the same doubling in performance- I assume
>from ditching debug and UI code internally.
>Does a similar speedup from ditching debug code occur naturally in a built
>app for VIs that are not reentrant? I've never noticed, but I've never
>bothered looking at the effects of things like this before.

No, removing debugging only, will result in a gain of a few % execution speed
at most.

What speeds up things is, that for time critical or subroutine priority VIs,
LabVIEW not only disables front panel updates (done anyway if the panel is
not open), but even the code necessary to buffer the data for front panel
display. A bitch to debug such a VI, (you really can't ;-) but a nice solution
for a small atomic function, which has been throughly debugged beforehand.
Don't do it for long executing functions though. LabVIEWs priority scheme
is very strict and as long as a high priority clump (subVI) is executing
in an execution system, little else will happen in that execution system,
although in LabVIEW 7 this is a little aleviated through the default allocation
of multiple OS threads per execution system.

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BV    tel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H                  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijk        http://www.citengineering.com
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