Quoting Quanah Gibson-Mount <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> --On Saturday, September 22, 2007 7:26 PM -0400 Jimi
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We use Open Ldap with bdb, and after a import of about 15000 test users,
>> searching  for users doesn't seem possible anymore. About 2 hours ago I
>> started a simple search for uid=a* (as a filter) that still hasn't
>> finished. In slapd.conf I have loglevel 256 (and that is the default
>> anyway, as I understand it). But it still logs tremendous amount of data,
>> for this simple search. It writes about 40kb/s to the log file, and it is
>> now about 250mb big (it started with an empty log file). If I 'tail' the
>> file it doesn't give me any meaningful output. But maybe you guys can see
>> something that I can't.
> How did you import the users?  Did you create an index?  What backend
> are you using?  etc.

The backend is bdb, if that is what you mean. The system is Red Hat Enterprise
Linux ES release 4 (Nahant), and as far as I know both Openldap and BDB is
whatever version that came with Redhat (installed last week).

I wrote about the indexes before, they are:

index objectClass,member                eq,pres
index ou,cn,sn,mail,givenname           eq,pres,sub
index uidNumber,gidNumber,loginShell    eq,pres
index uid,memberUid                     eq,pres,sub
index nisMapName,nisMapEntry            eq,pres,sub

The original import was made using the admin interface of our Content
System (an xml-file in the CMS system xml structure), and I have no idea how
exactly the data was inserted into ldap. But it has worked fine before, with
smaller data sets.

> It certainly shouldn't take 2 hours.  On a database with 400,000
> users using OpenLDAP 2.3 with back-hdb and BDB 4.2.52+ patches, it
> takes:
> 13.82u 0.86s 0:25.69 57.1%
> 25.69 seconds

Yes, I know that something must have been wrong. I finally stopped ldap and
tomcat, and then started from scratch again.

These were my steps now:

01. stop tomcat and ldap
02. rm -f /var/lib/ldap/data/*
03. rm -f /home/ldap/bdb_transaction_logs
04. run db_recover -c in /var/lib/ldap as user ldap
05. start ldap, verify status, check that files are created in
06. stop ldap
07. add set_flags DB_TXN_NOSYNC in DB_CONFIG
08. run as user ldap: slapadd -l
09. run db_recover -c in /var/lib/ldap as user ldap
10. /etc/init.d/ldap start
11. /etc/init.d/ldap status
12. /etc/init.d/tomcat start

The ldif file was created using slapcat.

I deliberately didn't comment out set_flags DB_TXN_NOSYNC in DB_CONFIG now,
since I figure it should be set during the big import (same reason as think it
should be set during slapadd).

Is any of these steps bad? Am I doing something I shoudn't do? Or not doing
something that I should?

I am just now starting the import in the CMS. I will report how it goes.


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