Just one more thing, about these transaction logs... The way I understand it,
db_recover uses them all each time it is run. Then, when exactly is it safe to
delete them? I mean, they take up 5% of that drive's space already. I mean,
assuming no drive failure will happen
When the server goes live, we will of course have proper backup, but just not
sure how long time these have to be saved. Only up to the latest full database
backup? So if I do a full backup of the database files (simply copying the
content of the data directory), I can safely remove all the transaction logs?
Do I need to do something special after that, or just start up ldap again?
Assuming that the db_archive command tells me that no log files are in use.

I just now realized that the db_archive command (with no switches, run in the db environment folder) lists all transaction log files. Does that mean that all of
them are involved in active transactions? How do I resolve that? To my
knowledge all transactions involved in the import (in the CMS admin interface)
should be commited and completed. In this page:


they say that the first step when creating a full backup is to "Commit or abort
all ongoing transactions", but I have no idea *how* to do that.

I still have the set_flags DB_TXN_NOSYNC in DB_CONFIG. Is this the problem? If I
comment it out and start ldap, will it automatically close all open
transactions? Or is there something more I need to do?


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