Kenneth Hadley, 2001-06-11 09:39 -0700
>I hope that someone hacked his web server otherwise Ive lost what little
>respect for Dave Cinege I had left after his fiasco with acepting help.

I doubt his site was hacked. I knew Dave was a Libertarian, but I was 
unaware of his anarchist views. I'm a Libertarian too, but I'm not an 
anarchist. The Libertarian Party is a party of principle not a party of 
thugs. All party members must sign the following statement before joining.
~ I do not believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means of
~ achieving political or social goals.

Dave must have forgotten this, or never signed it in the first place.

I wonder what his LRP sponsors will think of his political statement.

He is probably going to need to wear asbestos tomorrow when the lists start working.

>Two points I'd like to make.
>1) Politcal statements are extremely inapropriate on web sites that are
>not political site in nature (especially open source/technology based
>2) Cowards are never Hero's

I agree wholeheartedly.


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