I have read many good suggestions here, but one I have not seen mentioned is
an open letter, signed by all (r as many as possible) of the LEAF-dev team,
expressing our sorrow and disagreement with Dave's decision.  We would then
post this letter for the general LRP list.

I think that would be enough.  If it ever becomes an issue in the future, a
search of geocrawler will show the sentiment, but I don't think we will be
causing as big a firestorm as we would if we moved to sever links etc.

We are, in essence, engaged in a PR campaign for LRP, and as we saw with the
Linux Gazette article, poorly a informed press leads to poorly informed
articles.  Since Dave C has not put forth the kind of effort as seen by Rick
in lrp.c0wz, Charles in EigerStein+, DD in Oxygen, Mike in LEAF and the
countless hours that others have put into LRP, it would be a travesty if a
disagreement over a clearly wrong, and I personally feel an immoral stance
by Dave lead to a loss of recognition in the work everyone else has

A letter can help us, as the "face" of LRP, put a layer of separation
between ourselves and Dave's misguided political message.  Granted, Dave has
done a lot of work on LRP, but more importantly happens to own the most
obvious URL.  We need to clarify that his ownership of one popular URL does
not confer any extra status on his views.  A single, open letter should do

In order to have full disclosure, I should step out of the shadows a bit on
this. As many of you may know, I actually work in Washington DC, and used to
work for Congress.  I am happy to answer any and all questions about "how it
works" "are their any conspiracies" "why do they spend all my/our money"
"why do foreigners get all my tax money" "why are all politicians corrupt"
and all that.  Please note a certain level of sarcasm in the previous
statements, but not in my willingness to answer.

By the same token, the level of knowledge many of you bring to Linux, I
bring to issues of Government Relations.  If you really care, run a google
search on Morgan W Reed III.  Yes, I am a registered foreign agent.

Morgan Reed

Leaf-devel mailing list

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