Mike I agree with all your three considerations and if a vote come up I
would vote for them
I don't think Dave C's sponsors should be notified.....its their prob not
but I do think something of a news clip should be posted on
leaf.sourceforge.net (I do have a jpeg screenshot and pdf file of the
linuxrouter.org site, stuff like this should always be remembered, if only
to show the limits of some folks reality)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Noyes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 5:00 PM
Subject: RE: OT Re: [Leaf-devel] linuxrouter.org

> Bao C. Ha, 2001-06-11 16:01 -0700
> >I have an evil idea.  Should I let the slashdot.org crowd
> >knows about this?
> Bao,
> I don't think Dave C's views deserve a larger audience then they are
> already receiving. We may want to consider:
> 1) stop answering questions on the linux-router list (boycott/protest)
>     a) refer people to the leaf-user list for EigerStein & Oxygen support
> 2) tell people to submit support requests on our site
>     a) Support Request Tracker
>     b) leaf-user list
> 3) change all support request links to our site
>     a) leaf.sourceforge.net
>     b) lrp.c0wz.com
>     c) lrp.steinkuehler.net
> At least 70% of the people that answer questions on the linux-router list
> are already members of our project.
> This would be a major change, so everyone would have to agree to it.
> A couple of alternate possibilities.
>   * We can post an article on our site disclaiming any association with
>     Dave C's anarchist views.
>   * Contact the LRP sponsors and let them know about Dave C's use of the
>     linuxrouter.org web site to promote an anarchist political agenda.
> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://leaf.sourceforge.net/
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